Friday, August 3, 2012

the dark knight rises...then falls...then rises again...

If you have not seen this movie yet, this post will probably ruin it for you. So please don't blame me for finding out the plot because you continued reading when i told you not to.

Now that all of that is out of the way, everyone has been asking me if i loved or hated this movie. Duh. *slaps your face* What do you think?! I loved it. I thought it was the perfect way to end such a fantastic trilogy and send this new Batman out with a bang. Christopher Nolan... you are a wonderful person. Nailed it.

A lot of people have been saying that they are not happy with Anne Hathaway playing Cat Woman. I actually loved Michelle Pfeiffer's version of the crazy cat lady we all know and love from the comics, but this version of the story called for a more realistic and darker version of all of the characters. This included Cat Woman. I thought she did a great job at playing the poor innocent girl that blended in well enough to sneak behind everyone's back and rob them blind. After all, isn't that what she is all about? Manipulation? And I loved the relationship between her  and Batman. It was almost like she caught him off guard and he didn't have time to say, "uh... shouldn't we at least have dinner first?".

Michael Caine. I don't even know where to start. Perfect for this role as Batman's butler and stand-in dad. I think we got to see deeper into the relationship he really has with Bruce Wayne this time. He seems to have more lines in this movie. I also completely lost it when I saw him cry, look down at Martha and Thomas Wayne's grave and say "I'm sorry I failed you". Behhh.... I need a second. That broke my heart. And at that point in the movie, I had actually believed that Batman was dead. Yeah... he comes back. But Michael Caine did an incredible job playing Alfred in all three movies. When I think of Alfred, I'll think of him now.

Bale's acting was great this time around because we got to see a lot more of him without the mask. We got to see Batman as a human with emotions and scars. That's what I love about this character. He has a great back story. Even though it now seems like all superheros have the same back story....(they stole it from batman).
Christian Bale nailed it again, and I really think he was the best Batman. Sorry Michael Keaton!
Not sure who can top him if they ever come back to Batman movies, but Bale set the bar pretty high.

If one more person tells me that the joker was a better villian, I'm going to vomit. Yes, he was great, but we're done with that character. Batman can't fight the same guy in every movie can he? And wouldn't it be in poor taste to re-cast the role to someone just so they can pretend to play Heath Ledger's joker?
If you haven't seen Bane from the old comics, he looks slightly different in the movie. I thought it was the perfect way to make it seem like an even match when he came up against Batman. I honestly thought that the movie would end with Bane breaking Batman's back. I was prepared to fall apart and cry my eyes out. I did.... but that's not how the movie ended. Instead, it happened about halfway through the movie. So perfect. I was not expecting that at all. And that's when we got to see why Bruce Wayne is a superhero. He's a normal guy in a black suit....what makes him special? After you watch this movie, I think it becomes a little more clear. This is what I love about comics in general. Taking an average person and giving them a larger-than-life alter ego so that they can change the world. Isn't that what we all want? Well I do... and I'd gladly wear a cape doing it too.

Explosions. For those of you that are hoping for a lot of things to blow up. You got it.
Just wanted to cover that, because I've been asked by a few people now if it is a slow boring movie or if things go "BOOM". They blow a lot of stuff up. Yeah.

So the end of the movie will drag you through a lot of emotions. First, you think Batman is going to make it, then he dies, or does he? But the one part of the ending that I was hoping for, was an introduction to the new "Batman". You find out that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is actually Robin, and in some versions of the comics, he is the one who takes Batman's place. I felt that it was a perfect fit. They spent the whole movie setting it up too. They both had the same orphan background, the same 'fight' in them, and the same closed-off personality. I'm happy with the choice...I think.

And to the guy in the back of the theater that scared me to death... Please never...EVER... go to  a movie theater and announce, "I hope no one has a gun." right after it just happened...Yes, it was too soon. And really great timing too. After the woman went around taking donations for cancer research. Really nice.

Loved the movie. I'd go see it again. It was absolutely the best ending possible to this set of Batman movies. Gosh, I hope Nolan does Deadpool...